Dan Barth compares Anderson's Winesburg Ohio, Brautigan's In Watermelon Sugar and Carl Sandburg's Rootabaga Stories in Watermelon, Winesburg and Rootabaga(external link)

"I think there are interesting similarities in tone, rhythm and content in the three books. I think Brautigan probably read Sherwood Anderson? and of course he read Hemingway? who was influenced by Anderson. I'm not sure if Brautigan read Sandburg or knew of his Rootabaga Stories, but he certainly would have been at home in the Rootabaga Country."

In the Vanity Fair article Brautigan's Wake, Ron Loewinsohn? recalls how one day Richard "walked up to [him] on Grant Street and handed [him] a little notebook. On one page was a poem in this incredible handwriting, a six-year-old's handwriting, which was called "A Correction," and it went, 'Cats walk on little cat feet and fogs walk on little fog feet, Carl.'" This poem shows that Brautigan was familiar with Carl Sandburg's poem, Fog:


The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.

The original document is available at http://cybernetic-meadows.net/brautigan/tiki-index.php?page=Carl+Sandburg