Tokyo-Montana Express: Old Man Working the Rain
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Old Man Working the Rain

by Richard Brautigan

Every day I see people in Tokyo handing out handbills to other people. This is the way they make their living, by standing on the street handing out handbills to total strangers, wanting them to spend their money on something they may or may not need.

Most of the time strangers don't make use of the handbills. They just throw them away and forget about them.

I also see men holding signs that want other men to spend their money in nearby massage parlors and cabarets where there are women for the purposes that men use women and that women get money for.

Often the men are old and wear poor sloppy clothes, standing there holding erotically promising signs. I wish the old men were not doing that. I wish they were doing something else and their clothes looked better.

But I can't change the world.

It was already changed before I got here.

Sometimes when I finish writing something, perhaps even this, I feel as if I am handing out useless handbills or I am an old man standing in the rain, wearing shitty clothes and holding a sign for a cabaret that is filled with the beautiful and enticing skeletons of young women that sound like dominoes when the walk toward you coming in the door.

Richard Brautigan
The Tokyo-Montana Express

The original document is available at